Sebago Lakes Region Fuller Center for Housing is a covenant partner of the National Fuller Center for Housing. The Fuller Center for Housing has already been changing lives for 20 years! During that time, more than 9,000 families — and more than 30,000 people — have benefited from a decent, healthy home in which to live. That has all been made possible by generous donors, volunteers, and our partner families themselves who pay it all forward to help more families!
The Fuller Center for Housing is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that seeks to eradicate poverty housing by promoting partnerships with individuals and community groups to build and rehabilitate homes for people in need.
The United Nations estimates that more than one billion people around the world live in substandard housing — including millions in the United States. The Fuller Center for Housing, faith-driven and Christ-centered, promotes collaborative and innovative partnerships with individuals and organizations in an unrelenting quest to provide adequate shelter for all people in need worldwide.
The Fuller Center creates partnerships within communities that bring together churches, schools, businesses and civic organizations to build decent, affordable homes in partnership with people who are unable to secure adequate housing by conventional means.
The Fuller Center works in collaboration with covenant partners, other service-oriented organizations and countless volunteers to build and repair homes. All homeowners work hand-in-hand with volunteers to build their own homes, which are then sold to them on terms they can afford, based on the Biblical idea of no-profit, no-interest loans.
An innovative payment program called The Greater Blessing Program is utilized, whereby recipients promise to repay the loan amount without signing an actual mortgage agreement. They decide the monthly amount they can afford to repay and the period of time that it will take to repay the cost of repairs. There is no legal obligation to repay these loans. It is a leap of faith in the basic goodness of humankind and is proving to be very successful. We are committed to good stewardship and work hard to keep our administrative costs low and to select our recipient families wisely. This helps to ensure that the vast majority of your tax-deductible gifts go toward building and repairing homes for those in need.
Watch this short video.
The seed for the Sebago Lakes Region Fuller Center for Housing was planted in 2019 by a local cyclist, Bill Turner. Bill had completed a cross-country cycling trip with the Fuller Center for Housing. Along the way, the cyclists would help communities by building or repairing homes.
Bill returned to our community and along with Lorraine Glowczak began meeting with local churches to inquire if their church community would form a local covenant partner. Five churches and St. Joseph’s college came together. Our mission is simple: to help seniors, the disabled and veterans age safely in place by providing home repairs.
We have completed five years of serving our community.